Riders are telling me that the trails are still ridable. They are really good in places and thin in some places. They are saying Trail 7, close to hwy 385 , is getting rough. South is good, except for Trail 2 after the Flag Mountain turn off and there on south, Trail 1 south, gets thin in the last 5 miles. Ppl have been taking Trail 9, even though it isn’t on the map right now. They are going to log down there and will eventually plow that road, but you can take it as long as the road isn’t plowed. The markers are still there and you can see tracks. Ppl are taking that and then taking Deerfield Lake across to get to Mt Meadow. I have been hearing that Trail 11 is great and about all the trails north are good, getting thin on Trail 1 north in a few areas. I think it is all good on 2K east through Black Fox and as you get further east, it is thin in places.
It’s amazing that the trails are as good as they are considering the warm days we have had and that we have only gotten half the average snowfall yet for the year. The temps will be coming back down next Tuesday, March 4 and stay down for a while, with chances of snow.