1-14-25 Snow/Trail Update

The trails are excellent and getting better!! We received 12-18 inches of new snow over the weekend and another 4 inches last night. Groo.mers are going out everynight. I have been getting a lot of calls about the temps. It is only going to be in the upper 30’s here this week. We actually need some warm weather to help set the snow up. The temps are going to drop dramatically on Friday and through the following week. Friday is a high of 18, Saturday 0, Sunday -6, Monday -8, Tuesday 14 and the temps will gradually go up and stay in the teens and low 20s. That is the prediction as of today.

There are a few trails that aren’t very good and those are the ones that are normally not good. 2 south past the Flag Mt. Turn off, the snow gets thin. It is thin on trail 1 south past 6 mile road. Trail 7 by hwy 385 isn’t the best as well. The rest is great, as far as I know.